Reformed Church

A congregation of the Reformed Church in the United States (RCUS)

Join us for worship Sundays at 10:15am & 5:00pm!

Welcome to Redeemer!

To all who are spiritually weary and seek rest; to all who mourn and long for comfort; to all who struggle and desire hope; to all who sin and need a Savior; to all who are strangers and want fellowship; to all who hunger and thirst after righteousness; and to all who will come – this church opens wide her doors and offers welcome in the name of the risen Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Beliefs

We stand on the great Reformation principles of Scripture alone, Christ alone, Grace alone, Faith alone, and Glory to God alone.

Small Groups

Redeemer members and visitors are invited to participate in member hosted small groups. Learn more by clicking the button below.

Listen to a Recent Sermon

Or check out a recent service on our YouTube channel!