Reformed Mission Services
Redeemer Reformed Church is a partner church with Reformed Mission Services (RMS), an organization of churches across the United States and Canada who are united by a common faith outlined in the Reformed confessions (Three Forms of Unity, Westminster Standards, and the Ecumenical Creeds). RMS seeks to work through its member churches for the advancement of the gospel. Learn more at rms.org
Domestic Missions
Redeemer’s church denomination, the Reformed Church of the United States (RCUS), has several active church plants which Redeemer helps to support. Redeemer itself planted a mission church in October 2011 in the southwest part of the Twin Cities. Emmaus Road Reformed Church became independent and self-governing in spring of 2013. For more information on that church, please visit their website.
Foreign Missions
Through the RCUS, Redeemer supports foreign mission works in Kenya, Congo, Philippines, and a French radio broadcast to French-speaking Africa and Quebec, Canada.