Church Government
At Redeemer Reformed Church, we hold to the Biblical pattern of presbyterian church government (see Acts 15). This means that our local church is governed by a Consistory composed of Pastor, Elders, and Deacons. 1 Timothy 3 lists the characteristics of those who serve in these offices. Our church receives oversight from the Covenant East Classis, which in turn receives denominational oversight from the Synod of the RCUS.
Our previous pastor has taken a new ministry opportunity and we wish him the best in this new calling!
We are actively looking for a new pastor and have established a search committee for this task. If you are a reformed pastor seeking a call or wish to recommend a pastor to us, please email searchcommittee@redeemerrcus.org.
Dave Blauw
B Nelson
Rob Kangas
Chris Drenth
David Danielson
Matt DeYoung
Maury Berkenpas