Studies & Fellowship

Women's Ministries


Women’s Bible Study

Women who wish to participate meet twice a month for a Bible Study. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings of each month September through May. The classes are co-led by Pastor Jim Sawtelle and Lydia Kroese. Past studies include the books of Hebrews and Isaiah, 1 Corinthians 13, and other topical studies. We close each study with a time of prayer requests and prayer together.


Women’s Fellowship

Usually monthly, the women of the church gather in homes for food and fellowship.


Men’s Ministry


Men’s Fellowship

Men meet periodically for fellowship and rich theological conversation. These gatherings serve as a time of fellowship and of strengthening each other as the Body of Christ.


Additional Ministries


Youth Group

The youth group meets once a month on Sunday afternoons from September through May to study God’s Word and enjoy fellowship together.


Hospitality for Chinese Center (HCC)

Redeemer partners with HCC twice a month to host dinner and lead a bible study with Chinese scholars at the University of Minnesota.